Monday, November 3, 2008

How cool is that??

I was in Chicago last week for a couple of days to attend an Oracle Developer User-Groups conference. Apart from running from one session to another, and trying to cover more than one session at the same time, I got to meet some Oracle Gurus up close. I've been commenting as GND in the PL/SQL Evangelist, Steven Feuerstein's blog, and had mentioned that I'd stop by and say hello. Which I did.
Later during lunch, he occupied an empty seat in the same table as mine. So we got chatting, and I found out he's a vegetarian too, for different reasons though. He sticks to a vegetarian diet more for health, and I'm one cos that's how I've been raised. And, its one thing I haven't been able to change...
Anyways, had this conversation -
Me: "Steven, Whatever your answer is, please say Yes."
SF: "OK!"
Me: "Have you ever stopped by my blog?"
SF: "I'm sorry, No! But that's because I only read 2-3 blogs on a regular basis..."
Didn't you hear a word I said?? You could've just humored me and said 'Yes' like I requested...Sigh!!

I do know his time is more valuable than reading my rants :)

The next day, I stopped by to ask him a question on one of his sessions. After answering my question, he told me -
SF: "Oh, by the way, I took a look at your blog yesterday. So, you have two girls, huh?"
I was bowled! How cute is that?? In the midst of prepping for a whole slew of 1-2 hour sessions, he took the time to visit my blog!
I don't remember what I said to him, but I hope it was not something stupid!!!!


Steven Feuerstein said...

Sorry about that! I felt like an idiot. Truly, I spend so much time talking, offering my "wisdom" to others, that I have become really bad at listening. Just be glad you are not my wife!

Yet Another Mother Runner said...

@Steven: Apologize if I said something outta line, that was really not my intention at all...!

But, I can now gloat that I've a celebrity's comment in my blog :)

Anonymous said...

ooh, that is cool u got a comment from him!! wish i had come to chicago too! stupid budget issues!!!


DotThoughts said...

you have become a celebrity yourself now ;-)